Fun illustration for a fictional distillery.

The eight annual Tundig Collective outing was commemorated with the creation of an octobobcat.

Tee design for a fictional university, winner of the CreateMyTee shirt of the month competition.

Wolverine State Brewing Co. upped their game with an exciting new tee for Mug Club members in 2015.

Paying homage to the preferred brew of Detroit's chapter of the infamous "Drinking club with a running problem."

It never pays to be naughty.

Typographic design for the online graphic tee brand, 604 Republic.

Designed for GrassFed CrossFit's female-only "strongman" competition.

Celebrating Tundig IV with the creation of "Lil Scamp Tussle," the brawling squirrel.

Cap'n delivering Mexican food in a beat up Japanese car. Winner of the CreateMyTee shirt of the month competition.

The latest taproom merch for Wolverine State Brewing Co.

Tee design celebrating a decade of Tundig.